Who are we?
In February 2019, the Xarxa de Voluntariat Ambiental de Catalunya (XVAC) and the Xarxa de Custòdia del Territori (XCT) merged. As a result of the merger, the XCT changed its name to Xarxa per a la Conservació de la Natura (XCN).
The Xarxa per a la Conservació de la Natura (XCN) is a second level non-profit organization declared of public utility. Associations, foundations, public administrations, companies, universities and research centres, constitute it.
La missió de la XCN és promoure la conservació de la natura mitjançant la implicació social, principalment a través de les entitats de custòdia i de voluntariat ambiental, a qui la XCN dóna suport i aThe XCN’s mission is to promote nature conservation through social involvement primarily by stewardship entities and environmental volunteer, which XCN supports and works with them collaboratively and by establishing alliances to make human activities cope with the sustainability of ecosystems.
La XCN vol esdevenir una xarxa àmplia, influent, estructurada i consolidada on les entitats ambientals i els The XCN wants to become a wide, influential, structured and consolidated network where environmental organizations and the various groups linked see their capacity to act amplified and strengthened to strive for a fair Catalonia, socially and environmentally, where social welfare and nature conservation are central values.

As defined in the regulations of the association, the XCN has the following objectives:
- Promote and encourage the use of land stewardship and private conservation as strategies of nature conservation.
- Promote and encourage environmental volunteering and citizen participation.
- Promote the improvement and development of the legal, fiscal, economic and social framework for the development and strengthening of the members of the association and their activities.
- Promote funding mechanisms appropriate to the needs of the members of the association.
- Promote the activities, products and services of the members of the association.
- Promote the excellence of the member associations in the management, quality of their services, the use of new technologies, the transparency and the communication.
- Facilitate basic training and qualification of professionals and volunteers of the conservation of nature.
- Develop the use of land stewardship and environmental volunteering through pilot projects by members of the association and applied research projects for conservation.
- Establish and improve the current relationship mechanisms of the entities of the third environmental sector members of the association with the Generalitat de Catalunya and rest of Public Administrations, as well as become their interlocutor in the areas that affect them as a sector.
- Promote the social responsibility of companies and establish relations of cooperation with private commercial world and with other organizations of social and solidarity economy.
- Promote collaboration with universities, research centres, the media and other entities.
- Promote the participation in nature conservation networks in the European Union and internationally.
- Influence in the development of public policies that have an impact on nature conservation and that can contribute to the improvement of the organizations in the sector.
- Accompany and advise the members of the association in the denunciation of situations that generation serious consequences for nature.
- Develop activities of cooperation in the international development and solidarity in the field of land stewardship, private nature conservation and environmental volunteering.
- Promote all those actions that contribution to the achievement of the association’s mission.